Kerry Abukhalaf

Kerry's articles appear in The Slice several times per month. She writes about entrepreneurship, content design, and LimeTech's service offerings.

iPad 2 to Take Over Mobile Teleconferencing

As mobile technology advances steadily, it becomes more clear by the year that we are just that much closer to being truly connected to each other. Emails and voice serve....

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How to Quickly Create a New AppleScript

As computing productivity geeks, we’re always looking for new ways to automate tasks and run small programs to make our computers work more efficiently. That leads to a lot of....

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Negative Carbon Footprint Cement

As businesses expand, they require more office spaces and server warehouses, and an increasingly large carbon footprint. The idea of taking infrastructure off the grid has been rather old news.....

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Some Tips and Apps for Tax Season

  If you have an inkling that you might want to upgrade your business technology, 2011 is the year to do it, thanks to generous deductions and bonus depreciations through....

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YaMabrook launch announcement

YaMabrook launch announcement

Today we announce the official launch of the YaMabrook mobile app, and share some of the work we did in the early stages of the product development process.

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Visual storytelling in action

Visual storytelling in action

Today's article, a guest post by Addie Kugler-Lunt of Two for Tea Studio, expands on the topic of visual storytelling. We cover focal point, color dynamics, and more. Let's explore!

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How to make a mobile app that stands out from the crowd

How to make a mobile app that stands out from the crowd

The mobile app landscape is crowded. In fact, a thousand apps are launched each day in Apple’s app store, and much more in the Google Play store. But you’ve got a great idea and you’re determined to push forward. Let's talk about how to build an app that stands out from the crowd.

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Coming soon: the YaMabrook mobile app

Coming soon: the YaMabrook mobile app

YaMabrook is an app for wish lists and social gifting. It’s designed for people celebrating a special occasion, and provides a way for them to find, share, and chat about gift ideas with their friends and families.

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Elements of visual storytelling

Elements of visual storytelling

In the digital era, anyone involved in creating combinations of written and visual content is participating in visual storytelling, whether they realize it or not. Today's article, a guest post by Addie Kugler-Lunt of Two for Tea Studio, covers the elements of visual storytelling.

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How to win customers with a conversational writing style

How to win customers with a conversational writing style

This week we continue our series about voice and tone. We take a moment to talk about conversational writing style, and how it can help win the hearts and minds of customers.

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Report back from Figma’s Config 2022 conference – part 2

Report back from Figma’s Config 2022 conference – part 2

The Figma Config 2022 virtual conference was May 10-11, 2022. Kerry provides summaries of the sessions she attended and her takeaways.

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Report back from Figma’s Config 2022 conference

Report back from Figma’s Config 2022 conference

Addie summarizes two sessions from Figma's Config 2022 conference. 1. UX Writers Need Design Systems, Too! Our journey in building a copy system in Figma from Pinda Phisitbutra, UX writer at SCBTechX. 2. What makes collaboration click? from Cristen Torrey, Research at Figma.

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How to write a great mobile app project brief [updated]

How to write a great mobile app project brief [updated]

Follow these easy guidelines on how to write a great mobile app project brief. Include these 13 things for the win...

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5 easy steps to get ready for your web design project [updated]

5 easy steps to get ready for your web design project [updated]

Get ready for your web design project by taking these 5 easy steps. You'll be more organized and better prepared for success.

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5 ways to gain trust with your e-commerce store

5 ways to gain trust with your e-commerce store

Customers who visit your new e-commerce store aren't confident yet. Gain trust with your e-commerce store using these five methods.

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Planning a business website? Answer these 5 questions to get some clarity. [updated]

Planning a business website? Answer these 5 questions to get some clarity. [updated]

Are you in the process of planning a business website or new website design project? Congratulations! You’re taking a step toward one of the most important improvements you can do for your business.

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What is a minimum viable product? [updated]

What is a minimum viable product? [updated]

We explore the questions, "What is a minimum viable product?" and "How does it help you save money and lower your risk profile when building a mobile app?"

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7 types of design constraints in digital product development

7 types of design constraints in digital product development

Today we talk about the 7 types of design constraints involved with a new project. And how those limits create a foundation for creativity + innovation...

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Top 50 tech websites [updated]

Top 50 tech websites [updated]

A collection of some of the best tech websites available in 2022 Writing a blog about tech? Trying to get the dish on the latest SF startups? Don’t waste time....

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Introducing content creation services

Introducing content creation services

Content helps you gain trust, educate customers, cultivate leads, and spread brand awareness. LimeTech now offers content creation services for businesses everywhere.

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Discord server setups now available

Discord server setups now available

New in 2022, we're now offering Discord server setups for entrepreneurs and companies of all sizes. Great for team communications and community building.

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LimeTech site reveal

LimeTech site reveal

We’re proud to unveil our website redesign. This is a massive new look for our brand, and the start of an exciting new chapter for LimeTech. 

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FRESH TECH: February 2022

FRESH TECH: February 2022

Welcome to our monthly series — Fresh Tech — a collection of fun things on the web that sparked our interest with their fresh takes on tech. Monthly theme: Fresh design and tips to thrive in the New Year!

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The way forward

The way forward

The past several months have seen us through a period of deep reflection and a re-envisioning of the meaning and direction for our business.

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FRESH TECH: December 2021

FRESH TECH: December 2021

Our monthly series — Fresh Tech — a collection of fun things on the web that sparked our interest with their fresh takes on tech.  Monthly theme: Fresh design and tips....

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Looking ahead in turbulent times

Looking ahead in turbulent times

COVID-19 has brought doubt, change, and instability the world over. The virus has wreaked havoc on our health and wellness—the very foundation from which personal development and prosperity are built.

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FRESH TECH: November 2021

FRESH TECH: November 2021

Our monthly series — Fresh Tech — a collection of fun things on the web that sparked our interest with their fresh takes on tech.  Monthly theme: diversity & creativity.....

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Report back from Adobe MAX — 2021

Report back from Adobe MAX — 2021

Our team shares highlights from last week’s virtual conference, October 26-28, 2021 Inspiration Who was an inspiring speaker? Best quotes? From Addie: “Creativity is a fundamental force.” Laura Jordan Bambach....

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Fresh Tech: October 2021

Fresh Tech: October 2021

Our monthly series — Fresh Tech — a collection of fun things on the web that sparked our interest with their fresh takes on tech.  Monthly theme: reimagine with intention.....

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On remote and hybrid transitions

On remote and hybrid transitions

On remote and hybrid transitions: how the right approach can get your company ahead Millions of companies were forced to make the fast pivot to remote work in the early....

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Cloud migration FAQs

Cloud migration FAQs

Cloud migration FAQs Cloud migrations have been a big deal over the past couple years, as thousands (if not millions) of companies did a fast pivot to remote work during....

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Fresh Tech: September 2021

Fresh Tech: September 2021

Our monthly series — Fresh Tech — a collection of fun things on the web that sparked our interest with their fresh takes on tech. This month, we shine some....

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Fresh Tech: August 2021

Fresh Tech: August 2021

Our monthly series — Fresh Tech — a collection of fun things on the web that sparked our interest with their fresh takes on tech. This month, we are gearing....

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LimeTech’s website design process

LimeTech’s website design process

LimeTech’s website design process: Your new website. With all the things. You’ve got big ambitions for your site. But do you have a plan? Don’t worry — we do. Here....

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Fresh Tech: July 2021

Fresh Tech: July 2021

Our monthly series — Fresh Tech — a collection of fun things on the web that sparked our interest with their fresh takes on tech. This month, we continue the....

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Fresh Tech: June 2021

Fresh Tech: June 2021

Our monthly series — Fresh Tech — a collection of fun things on the web that sparked our interest with their fresh takes on tech. This month, we enjoy the....

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iOS or Android for your new mobile app?

iOS or Android for your new mobile app?

iOS or Android for your new mobile app? These 5 questions will help you decide In this multi-part series we talk about how to explore, vet, and develop your great....

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Fresh Tech: May 2021

Fresh Tech: May 2021

Our monthly series — Fresh Tech May — a collection of fun things on the web that sparked our interest with their fresh takes on tech. This month, see how....

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Fresh Tech: April 2021

Fresh Tech: April 2021

Our monthly series — Fresh Tech — a collection of fun things on the web that sparked our interest with their fresh takes on tech.  April is Earth Month Wherever....

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How to save money on mobile app development

How to save money on mobile app development

How to save money on mobile app development If you’ve been thinking of hiring a company to build a mobile application, you may be concerned about the potential for high....

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How to help your web design team succeed at your website build project

How to help your web design team succeed at your website build project

How to help your web design team succeed  You’ve agreed on the price and terms for your web project. Now, your kickoff meeting is approaching. Here are our tips on....

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Fresh Tech: March 2021

Fresh Tech: March 2021

Welcome to Fresh Tech, our monthly collection of fun things from around the web. In our March summary, we cover Women's History Month, Remote Work and Screen Free Saturdays.

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How does a cloud migration work at LimeTech?

How does a cloud migration work at LimeTech?

How does a cloud migration work at LimeTech? [updated in 2022] You’ve heard the phrase “cloud migration” before, but what does it mean, and how does it work? The truth....

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How cloud computing can help your staff succeed at working remotely

How cloud computing can help your staff succeed at working remotely

With COVID-19, a sudden transition The fast conversion to remote work due to the coronavirus pandemic has been a bumpy road for all. Some companies have weathered the transition better....

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Green information technology solutions for a better future

Green information technology solutions for a better future

Green IT, improve IT, sustain IT Implement green information technology solutions and save on energy consumption, resource allocation, and financial expenditures. Consider moving to the cloud to free up internal....

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10 advantages of cloud computing in 2020

10 advantages of cloud computing in 2020

The cloud is the message The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened theneed for companies to adopt digital businessmodels—and only cloud platforms can provide theagility, scalability, and innovation required for thistransition. From....

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Cloud computing: key to business resilience in tough times

Cloud computing: key to business resilience in tough times

With COVID-19, fast pivots are the norm The coronavirus pandemic forced many businesses into an unanticipated pivot to remote work and telecommuting. Companies of all sizes now face massive pressures....

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Onboarding remote workers in the age of COVID-19

Onboarding remote workers in the age of COVID-19

Onboarding remote workers in the age of COVID-19 With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and a hard pivot to remove work, it’s likely your HR team has their hands....

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Website hosting and security in the age of COVID-19

Website hosting and security in the age of COVID-19

More than ever, your website is one of your company’s most valuable assets. As business moves increasingly online, you should be taking active measures to protect the integrity of your....

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How taking your company remote may benefit you in the long run

How taking your company remote may benefit you in the long run

COVID-19 has demanded hard, fast change from business owners and workers alike. After facing the pain of suddenly taking your company remote, you might also discover some surprising advantages. Here....

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Creating a disaster recovery plan in the age of COVID-19

Creating a disaster recovery plan in the age of COVID-19

6 steps to creating a disaster recovery plan While it may seem like working through a pandemic is your worst-case scenario, you should still take time to cover all the....

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Business location security in the age of COVID-19

Business location security in the age of COVID-19

Your team has gone remote and your location is either not in operation, or only partly so. However, your office space is still home to valuable equipment and data. While....

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Assess your IT systems after going remote

Assess your IT systems after going remote

In the brave new world of COVID-19, remote work is the new norm. For many companies, the transition to remote work has involved a fast, hard pivot…often a painful one.....

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Remote Support Services

Remote Support Services

Remote support that’s right for your business. Online technical support that works on your schedule, not the other way around. Remote support services for Mac-based businesses. Struggling with chronic IT....

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VoIP Phone Systems

VoIP Phone Systems

Say goodbye to your old phone system. A VoIP phone system is flexible, affordable, and has more features than your traditional business phone setup. More and more companies are converting....

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Mega-list of Bay Area startup resources

Mega-list of Bay Area startup resources

Mega-list of Bay Area startup resources UPDATED IN 2022! Whether you’re a newbie entrepreneur or a seasoned veteran of the startup scene, here are 40+ Bay Area startup resources to....

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Crypto ransomware threats: a growing concern

Crypto ransomware threats: a growing concern

Crypto ransomware threats: a growing concern This post is just to warn our community about some virulent ransomware attacks that are currently circulating. At this point, none of our clients....

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Who should hire an IT consulting firm?

Who should hire an IT consulting firm?

For today’s blog, we wanted to take a moment to discuss the topic of who should hire an IT consulting firm. Working with an outside IT provider is not a....

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How to Encrypt Your Mac With FileVault

How to Encrypt Your Mac With FileVault

What is FileVault? FileVault is a data encryption software that is included in all Apple computers (OS X 10.7 or higher). When FileVault is enabled, all the data on the....

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Error When Sharing Outlook Calendar

Error When Sharing Outlook Calendar

Error When Sharing Outlook Calendar Some of our clients have reported a permissions error message when adding a shared calendar in Outlook 2011. When attempting to add the shared calendar, they receive....

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Honing Your Focus in an Age of Attention Deficits

Honing Your Focus in an Age of Attention Deficits

Honing your focus in an age of constant contact (and constant interruption) is challenging business. Gloria Mark, a Professor in the Department of Informatics at UC Irvine has found that the....

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Attention Writers: Upcoming Social Media Management Class

Attention Writers: Upcoming Social Media Management Class

Writer or Artist? Confused by Social Media? You’ve heard the success stories of new entrepreneurs building a massive following on social media. In fact, the potential for one person to....

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East Bay Coworking: The Latest

East Bay Coworking: The Latest

East Bay Coworking These days there are many options for coworking in the East Bay, and a lot of them are new. Some of the more unique locations are mixing....

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Five Fast Shortcuts for Mac Users

Five Fast Shortcuts for Mac Users

Most great magic tricks rely on sleight-of-hand techniques. Wow your friends with a different kind of magic using these five fast shortcuts for Mac Users. Quick Calculations Tired of searching....

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Protect Yourself From Heartbleed

Protect Yourself From Heartbleed

Protect Yourself From Heartbleed You’ve probably seen some of the security alerts regarding the Heartbleed Bug. This security vulnerability involves the widely used encryption software known as OpenSSL. OpenSSL is....

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Tech That Subtracts

Tech That Subtracts

We aren’t unique in the San Francisco area in that we often struggle with the fact that our lives have become increasingly complex, with constant demands on our attention and....

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Smart Methods for Password Creation

Smart Methods for Password Creation

It’s challenging to come up with secure passwords that will protect your data from online crooks. The crooks are, in fact, becoming more and more savvy with each passing year.....

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What Do We Love?

What Do We Love?

Giving Thanks for The Good Things As 2013 quickly draws to a close, it’s a great moment for us to take stock of all we have to be grateful for.....

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Watch Out for SEO Scams

Watch Out for SEO Scams

Watch out for SEO scams If you run a small business like we do, you probably receive countless emails pushing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services. Many will make rash promises....

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For Entrepreneurs: Contact Management and CRMs

For Entrepreneurs: Contact Management and CRMs

If sales is the lifeblood of any business, then your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system would have to be the blood bank. Without a centralized place to keep track of....

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Techie Perks in SF

Techie Perks in SF

There are always a thousand reasons to appreciate why we live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Here are just a few of the latest. Living Innovation Zones–High Tech Playgrounds....

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San Francisco Small Business Resources

San Francisco Small Business Resources

A Hidden Gem: San Francisco’s Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center If you own your own business in the Bay Area or you’re thinking of launching a small business, you may be surprised....

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Great Startup Checklists

Great Startup Checklists

A Bag O’ Great Startup Checklists Time to get your startup on! Here’s a curated group of checklists for startup founders. You can never be too rich or too thin....

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Thoughts on Persistence

Thoughts on Persistence

We’ve all been inspired this week by the story of Diana Nyad’s successful swim from Cuba to Florida. Not only was this an extraordinary achievement in terms of distance covered—110....

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Your Privacy on the Web

Your Privacy on the Web

Somebody’s Watching You With widespread media attention on topic of domestic spying by the NSA, fear and paranoia are plaguing the interwebs. Beyond the conspiracy theorists, many regular folks are....

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When Your Phone System Fails

When Your Phone System Fails

  Client Case Study: Total Phone System Failure Nobody likes a crisis, but when one happens, the best outcome is a quick and effective resolution. Since we’ve been involved in....

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Founder Friday at Google SF

Founder Friday at Google SF

I recently witnessed some of the energy and vitality that distinguishes the local tech scene when I attended a Women 2.0 Founder Friday event at Google’s offices in San Francisco.....

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Ten Online Tools To Help You Be More Productive

Ten Online Tools To Help You Be More Productive

Save Time And Be More Productive With These Ten Online Tools It seems like there are a bazillion applications vying for your subscription these days. It can be hard to....

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DIY Laptop Repair Resources

DIY Laptop Repair Resources

Ready to Try Your Hand at DIY Laptop Repair? When DIY laptop repair is your only option, try doing a little research before you take things into your own hands.....

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LimeTech Yelp Reviews

LimeTech Yelp Reviews

Our Positive Yelp Reviews Were Filtered We recently revisited our business page on the website and were surprised to see that our positive reviews were “filtered.” In other words,....

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What to Do If You Spill Water on Your Laptop

What to Do If You Spill Water on Your Laptop

What to Do If You Spill Water on Your Laptop If you’re like us, you never thought seriously about what to do when you spill water on your laptop…until a....

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The Agile Family

Today we discuss the concept of the agile family, and whether the idea works or is just more agile silliness. Let's get into it...

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What is the cloud?

What is the cloud?

What is the cloud? Confused by the idea of cloud computing but afraid to ask? Here’s our best explanation of this technology which is transforming industries of all kinds–perhaps even....

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Upcoming Bay Area Tech Events

It can be easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget that when you live in the Bay Area, you have easy access to some of the....

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Cloud Storage Price War Brings Discounts

As reported today in TechCrunch, Amazon and Google seem to be locked into a cloud storage price war. As is the case with such battles, cloud customers stand to win.....

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Post-Sandy Recovery and Disaster Planning

It is a tough week for a lot of East Coast small business entrepreneurs, and our sympathies are with everyone. There are few greater challenges than facing the aftermath of....

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Opportunity Knocks with National Small Business Week

National Small Business Week is coming up fast, on May 20-26, 2012. A number of organizations and businesses are putting together events geared toward recognizing and enhancing the success of....

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A Small Business WordPress Website For You

You Need a WordPress Website, But Who’s Got the Time? Imagine you run a busy local coffee shop and you’re at the store, setting up shop at 5am every morning.....

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More April Startup Events

Got a little extra time this month? Here are a few of the larger startup events coming up later this month in the San Francisco Bay Area. April Startup Events....

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Protect Yourself From the Mac Flashback Trojan

For all those who prefer Mac computers solely because they don’t get viruses, the jig may be up. A piece of malware called the Flashback trojan has reportedly now infected....

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Startups and the JOBS Act

Seems like everyone wants to get on the startup bandwagon these days. In case you were on a retreat or were completely unplugged over the past week, President Obama has....

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Tech Overload? Join the National Day of Unplugging

Tech Overload? Join the National Day of Unplugging

With the mass proliferation of smartphones, many of us struggle with the obsessive urge to constantly check email and update our social media profiles. The endless opportunity for distraction may....

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Donate Your Used Computer Locally

Where to donate used computers and electronics in the Bay Area Seeing as we’re in the Bay Area, you’ve got no excuse not to dispose of your electronics the right....

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The East Bay Startup Scene Heats Up

We’re probably not the only entrepreneurs who have wondered why the East Bay isn’t more of a hub for innovation–especially considering the proximity to UC Berkeley and the comparatively affordable....

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SF Startup Social

If you’re thinking of launching a Bay Area startup, then you’re missing out if you’re not already immersed in the vibrant scene of mixers and pitch events in San Francisco’s....

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Join the Fight Against SOPA/PIPA

Looking for a way to participate in the fight against SOPA/PIPA without actually taking your site down? Local San Francisco startup CloudFlare has created an Anti-Censorship App that will enable....

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For Startups on the Move

We recently had an engaging conversation with David Bergeron of T3 Advisors. They are doing some really innovative work in the real estate sector, with a special focus on helping....

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Girl Geeks Unite at Perforce

You missed out big-time if you weren’t able to get onto the attendee list for yesterday’s Girl Geek Dinner, sponsored by one of our local Alameda neighbors, Perforce is....

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On Protect IP / SOPA and Internet Freedom

By now, you should have heard of the controversy around the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act. Not only do both Acts have the potential to limit internet freedom, but they could have crippling effects on the startup sector.

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Local Learning Opportunities

Upcoming Classes and Workshops for Small Biz Entrepreneurs Not getting out enough these days? Tired of stewing in your own juices? There’s no excuse with so many great local workshops,....

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Jazz Hands, P2P and Direct Democracy

Occupy Wall Street Goes Tech Much of the discussion around Occupy Wall Street has weighed in heavily on the nature, character and origin of the protestors and whether they’ll ever....

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Is Cloud Computing the Right Choice?

To Cloud or Not to Cloud… Still trying to get your head around cloud computing? Doubtful about whether your business is a good candidate for the cloud? All this month,....

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Find Out What’s Slowing Down Your Mac

You’re Wondering Why Your Mac is Slow? If your Mac has been acting lethargic lately and you’re tired of watching little spinning beach balls, you might have maxed out your....

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Expect Great Things From Your Prospective IT Provider

The hunt for a great IT team can be a challenging process. Here’s a list of the five most important traits you should look for in a prospective IT provider…....

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5 Ways to Save for Your Business

Unbeatable Savings for Your Biz Whether you’re saving for a rainy day or just saving, sometimes it’s a tough job to find great deals for your business. However, in the....

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Report Back from WordCamp SF 2011

I’m finally just now getting a chance to report back from this week’s WordPress WordCamp conference in San Francisco. I attended the final day of the three-day event, which included....

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Anonymous Hacking Collective Takes on BART

Interesting news to hear that our very own BART transit system has been targeted by the infamous hacking collective known as Anonymous. While we all love to support our local....

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Learn About WordPress CMS at WordCamp

  Calling all fans of the WordPress content management system: if the economy doesn’t implode and we’re all still around after August 2nd, you should check out the upcoming WordPress....

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MS Exchange or Google Apps for Your Business?

Small businesses are popping up everywhere. Even in this economy, the office space in the SoMa (South of Market) area in San Francisco is dwindling. Which makes me think that....

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Outsourcing Life’s Little Tasks

Got a pile of laundry and no time for washing? Looking for someone reliable to pick up your lunch? is an online service that connects people who need to....

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What To Do When You Lose Your iPhone?

First, you’ll deny, rage, bargain, and quickly pass through all 7 stages of grief. You’ll probably try to retrace your footsteps and send a few pleading texts to your phone.....

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What’s New with OS X 10.7 Lion? Efficiency!

Mac OS X 10.7 Lion brings a lot of great new utilities to the table. First off…let’s talk just a little about multi-touch and launch pad. I think most folks....

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The Rising Trend in Standing Workstations

Lately, we’ve noticed the increasing proliferation of standing desks at a range of offices in San Francisco. This may be old news for some, since this kind of setup has....

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Back to the Future for California

I wanted to report back from my experience presenting as top-five contestant in the Institute for the Future’s California Dreams Contest in Palo Alto this past Tuesday, May 3rd. It....

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How the iPad is Changing Business by Bringing People Together

We’ve all heard about the ways the iPad and iPad 2 tablets will help us live happier, sexier lives through our enhanced ability to know and see anything, anywhere, anytime. ....

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Comparing Online Trouble Ticketing Systems

I know how time-consuming it can be to find the right help desk ticketing solution for your environment. We’ve spent hours researching this topic, creating demo accounts, and comparing functionality....

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Some Tips and Apps for Tax Season

  If you have an inkling that you might want to upgrade your business technology, 2011 is the year to do it, thanks to generous deductions and bonus depreciations through....

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Blog Launch Today

Welcome to the new blog for LimeTech. We’ll be using this platform to keep you updated about the IT work we’re doing with all kinds of cool businesses in the....

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