10 advantages of cloud computing in 2020

The cloud is the message

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the
need for companies to adopt digital business
models—and only cloud platforms can provide the
agility, scalability, and innovation required for this

From The Recovery Will be Digital
McKinsey and Company

The fast pivot to remote work has motivated company leaders to rapidly embrace cloud computing. Cloud platforms and cloud data storage solutions deliver flexible IT infrastructure that is uniquely qualified to accommodate rapid change.

CEOs who were previously convinced of the benefits of the cloud but were slow to adopt, are now rushing to migrate data to the cloud. Other business leaders are finally waking up to the integral relationship between business and IT operations, and the ways digital innovation and cloud-based solutions can help distinguish their companies from the competition.

The advantages of cloud computing are hard to ignore.

A great time to make bold moves

If your company hasn’t embraced the cloud, you are already behind the curve. However, that shouldn’t prevent you from moving proactively in the right direction. Though the current business landscape is volatile and uncertain, this is also a great time to make bold moves.

There are opportunities everywhere, and implementing cloud-based architecture and embracing cloud platforms can deliver extraordinary advantages. Here are just some of them:

10 advantages of cloud computing in 2020

  1. Adaptability Companies with cloud-based information architecture are prepped for faster pivots and real-time response to changes in the market.
  2. Scalability Onboarding and business-building are necessarily easier when your company data can flex according to need. Grow or contract your business overnight, or on an as-needed basis.
  3. Accessibility Access data easily when it’s housed in the cloud. Loop in new team members and projects with ease, and tap new markets as they open.
  4. Collaborative Share files, update projects, and collaborate across borders as necessary.
  5. 24/7 Availability Eliminate the frustrations of downtime associated with offline servers when data is backed up to the cloud.
  6. Better Security Protection from many vulnerabilities like hacking and theft when you convert your data structure from local to the cloud.
  7. Quicker Recovery Recover data quickly when it is distributed on the cloud. Since your data is backed up continuously, you are now liberated from the stress of data loss and unrecovered files.
  8. Easier Automation Save time with automated task management on the cloud. Cloud-based data architecture includes a wide range of options for task automation, such as scheduled backups, autoscaling, automated notifications and software and security updates.
  9. Improved Oversight Real-time notifications available include some of the following: access protocols, user management, security alerts, and more.
  10. Cost Controls Cloud-hosted data integrates flexible payment solutions that can adapt based on workload changes.

We’ve conducted a wide range of cloud migrations and cloud-based data setups. If you’re interested in exploring a cloud solution for your business, the team at LimeTech is always happy to help. 

LimeTech is a creative tech company with a focus on innovation and adaptive change. We use technical know-how, design skills, and deep experience in entrepreneurship to help companies advance their business goals. Do you need IT planning, mobile app development, web design, or remote work solutions that will take your business to the next level? Get in touch today and find out what we can do for you.

agile    cloud computing    cloud migration    cloud storage    COVID-19    

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