IT Consulting

Discord server setups now available

Discord server setups now available

New in 2022, we're now offering Discord server setups for entrepreneurs and companies of all sizes. Great for team communications and community building.

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Looking ahead in turbulent times

Looking ahead in turbulent times

COVID-19 has brought doubt, change, and instability the world over. The virus has wreaked havoc on our health and wellness—the very foundation from which personal development and prosperity are built.

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Cloud migration FAQs

Cloud migration FAQs

Cloud migration FAQs Cloud migrations have been a big deal over the past couple years, as thousands (if not millions) of companies did a fast pivot to remote work during....

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The LimeTech approach

The LimeTech approach

The LimeTech approach The LimeTech approach involves business savvy, big-picture thinking, and total transparency. We understand the challenges of running a business in a fast-changing world. Find out how LimeTech....

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8 easy steps for going remote

8 easy steps for going remote

Going remote doesn’t have to be painful Many companies put off a true transition to remote work out of anxiety that it will slow down operations. With proper planning, though,....

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Creating a disaster recovery plan in the age of COVID-19

Creating a disaster recovery plan in the age of COVID-19

6 steps to creating a disaster recovery plan While it may seem like working through a pandemic is your worst-case scenario, you should still take time to cover all the....

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Remote work series: laptop provisioning, management, and safety

Remote work series: laptop provisioning, management, and safety

In the midst of a hard pivot to a remote work model, it’s easy to become lax in the management of company devices–especially laptop provisioning management. In fact, whether you’re....

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Assess your IT systems after going remote

Assess your IT systems after going remote

In the brave new world of COVID-19, remote work is the new norm. For many companies, the transition to remote work has involved a fast, hard pivot…often a painful one.....

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Who should hire an IT consulting firm?

Who should hire an IT consulting firm?

For today’s blog, we wanted to take a moment to discuss the topic of who should hire an IT consulting firm. Working with an outside IT provider is not a....

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Smart Methods for Password Creation

Smart Methods for Password Creation

It’s challenging to come up with secure passwords that will protect your data from online crooks. The crooks are, in fact, becoming more and more savvy with each passing year.....

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